The ChubbChubbs are here! o_o

11:26 AM / Posted by The Narrator /

The ChubbChubbs! (2002)
Director: Eric Armstrong with Bradford Simonsen & Jeff Wolverton
Actors: The janitor (dragon looking creature), Aliens, the ChubbChubbs, monsters(?)
wh-Y-rate: **** So cute!

This is such a cute animation!! xD I have seen this short film in my English class with Mrs. Lukoff last year and yea, I loved this cute short film. Especially the part where these cute little yellow creatures get angry and eat up all the giant monsters...haha. just awesome. The director(s) did a real nice job in creating a reversal film(?), making people think one way but turning it over to something unexpected. I think that technique adds much fun and excitement to a movie or a drama. If I had a chance to create a short film one day (hopefully soon--i'm planning on making something), I'd def try encorporating that technique! (click on this link to view the film!) (another cute version of the ChubbChubbs! -- "The ChubbChubbs save Xmas!")



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